Love was in the air

On Saturday night, we had the privilege of attending the wedding of our friends Luke and Kira.  It was a great time filled with so much love and laughter.  I just love how much fun people had at the reception.  Here in the south, they know how to do a wedding reception up right.  I think it's all about the appetizers and just floating around from table to table to visit with all the guests.  Everyone seemed so very joyful there.  We were all happy for the couple too.  We were able to watch their love grow basically from the beginning.

I was filled with pure glee on Sunday afternoon when I made the boys matching elephant shirts.  The house was really quiet so I found some time to spend at the sewing machine.  I took a cue from an Etsy seller that I found and embellished some white T-shirts.  I thought they turned out pretty good for an amateur sewer.   Having two boys is going to be so very much fun!

This evening I am playing a house show at a dear friend's house in Ohio.  I'm really excited about it.  Since our car is so small, we opted to not bring up my guitar.  I get to borrow a friend's Taylor though and I'm really enjoying playing it.  I'm also borrowing a digital recorder so I'm going to try to get a recording that I can post on here.  Andy is going to play some percussion with me also.  I think it will sound really nice.

March 02, 2008


the Mothering of Art ›

Yes, I will ride that horse once again

Yesterday, I had the privilege of playing music for a young mothers conference that was here in Columbia. It featured the speaker, Ginger Plowman, who I actually really enjoyed. There were two sessions in the conference. For each session, I played 2 group songs for everyone to sing together and one of my own songs. This was my first time performing music since December. I was a bit nervous and excited to do it once again.

It was the perfect excuse to go out and buy a new outfit. Even though I had to wade through the mall with both children, it was kindof fun. I realized that it's much better for me to find one small store I like than to shop in a big department store. I think that I prefer the small palette of colors as opposed to the rainbow explosion that you'll find in a bigger store. But once I found that store (and bought Deacon a snack and nursed Owen in that store's dressing room while Deacon made a mess with the contents of my wallet), things started running much more smoothly. I even took a chance on a pair of gold snake-skin peep-toe shoes to complete the ensemble. Even though they left no less than three blisters on my feet by the end of the conference, they were positively womanly and feminine which was really fun.

So now I feel like my "maternity leave" from performing music is officially over. Even though I am not going to jump back into things full throttle, I do have a number of performances lined up for this spring. I'll play at a few coffee shops, a few private events, a few churches, one barbecue, and even another woman's conference. I'd love to try to arrange a real concert with a band, but that's not in the plans for right now. I'm starting slow.

Also I thought that I would mention that I found a website that let me set up an online store for free. So if you are interested in purchasing the CD or letting a friend know about it, please send them to I have plans for an "" down the road that will link to all of my other sites (blog, itunes, myspace, online store) but I have to find someone who is a bit smarter than me to do that.

It's been a long time coming

I've been dreaming for months now of starting my own blog. Manila Drive was a fun journey, but I have decided to let Andy keep that blog for his own musings and create a new one for mine. Please, visit often, comment if you wish and share your stories and your songs as I share mine.
On Songwriting:
In the summer of 2007, I had the privilege of putting together my first full-length record. After nearly a decade of penning lyrics and melodies, the best of these can now be heard on This Place, a record produced by Andrew Osenga (of Caedmon’s Call and formerly of The Normals). Its songs are about the same things the best singer-songwriters have always reflected upon: the mystery of love, the ache of hope, and the grip of faith. Filling a listening space with melodious musings on the things that make life livable—this is one of my callings. With the release of This Place, I hope to sneak my stuff-of-life songs into family dish-washing sessions and long commutes everywhere.


On Mothering:

When I first found out that I would be a mother, I was a bit surprised. But now, after only two years of mothering, I have found it to be the most fulfilling and the most challenging job that I’ve ever filled. I have two beautiful sons, Deacon and Owen. They are the reason for much joy and laughter in my home. Deacon’s little words and Owen’s little coos are wonderful music to my ears. I’ve been fortunate to take care of them full time at home. I have found that colors are much brighter, fabrics are much softer, and the music is much sweeter when you have little ones in your life.

Life is alarmingly beautiful. And the beauty often catches me while it is trying to dress up as something else.

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