Project number 2- Fabric Cabinet liner.

So every time I to go a thrift store, I scour the wallpaper stash for some beautiful vintage wallpaper, but most of them are just ugly.  I knew I wanted to line this cabinet ever since I took the doors off, but just hadn't found the right liner.  Till now.  

When I was scouring the red tag fabrics, I came accross this lovely fabric and I thought...this is perfect.  It was so easy to install.  I just cut the fabric 1 inch longer than it needed to be (height wise) and folded it over and placed it in with thumbtacks.  It makes me happy every time I look at it.  I still have quite a bit of fabric left.  I'm thinking of lining another cabinet and maybe making placemats?  Or even a string of yo-yo's to hang in the window.

This project got me so excited, I decided to hang some things on our bare wall in the kitchen.  I also moved the tables around in the house too.  This small table used to be our main table for dining.  When we moved here, the family left a patio table in the kitchen.  We used that for a while, but when the weather started getting nice I pulled the table outside leaving a vacant spot in our kitchen.  It will be a while before we can afford a proper kitchen table, so these two small ones will have to do for now.  We can eat family dinners in the dining room and casual dinners in here.  The kids think the little table is fun.  Andy painted the kids table with chalkboard spray paint.

It's starting to feel like home.  We really want to redo our kitchen floors and countertops though.  Anyone know anything about cork floors?  I'm starting to think it may be the way to go.





June 27, 2009

Oh I love that chalkboard table… We love kids’ tables at our house, I would like to add another in our computer room. Will keep my eyes out for a beat-up one I could paint and make the top a chalkboard!

Pastor Clint Stockton
Pastor Clint Stockton

June 15, 2009

I am interested in maybe ordering a few Bow ties. I do have a few questions such as material pattern choices and what sizes they come in. Looking forward in gaining more info.

May God truly bless you and your family.
Grace, Joy and Peace be with you
Clint Stockton


June 05, 2009

So many good ideas…I want to visit your house & draw on the chalkboard table!


June 05, 2009

I love the ideas of placemats and chair pads…what about napkins to match?


May 29, 2009

That fabric would make lovely placemats! or maybe some chair cushions for the little table in the kitchen.

Sorry we didn’t get to see you at the zoo yesterday. Let’s try agian, we’ll be around whenever you’re ready.

About cork – it’s extremely trendy right now, which would make me nervous – ie how much money do I want to spend on something that might be really “yesterday” 5 to 10 years from now…. but then again, it might stick.


May 27, 2009

Love the shelves. It looks so you. You should email Rob’s mom to ask her about floors and counters. She just redid everything and she did a TON of research.

mebrazier at netscape dot net


May 27, 2009

Love the fabric!

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