My friends at helped me select the winner of the free bow tie - so without further ado:
Big fan of the blue chambray.
Will be great with my pink Oxford.Well it looks like you will be getting a new blue chambray bow tie!
And here's some Friday showcase photos for you.
OK, These are some of the cutest boys I've ever seen! And aren't the boat shoes so adorable?
And here's a fun picture of G sporting the Owen Madras - one of the summer's best sellers. Perfectly accessorized with the straw hat.
Thank-you for sharing your photos! If you have a photo, send it to me at I'd love to see some pictures of my bow ties out on the town. So if you have a cool city, take a picture of yourself in the bow tie while you're out on the town. I don't get out much so if my bow ties do, I feel like atleast part of me gets to travel the world.
Hey, I'd even be willing to send out freebies in exchange for awesome photos.
1 Comment
leila amarra
This is my son…and I’m the proud mom.
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