Did You Know Ellie Has a CD?


And it's a really good record, too.  I wrote half the tunes to This Place, but she and Andrew Osenga made the record together in Nashville in the summer of 2007.  We've got maybe 300 of them left, and they sound a lot better in your CD Changer (haha, remember those?) iTunes library than they do in our attic.

And get this: it's yours for $5.  That's 50% off retail.

You can listen to her CD, This Place, here.

You can buy it from her bow tie store here.

Oh, and I mentioned Andrew Osenga, her producer.  Yeah, he's amazing.  And he's heading to space.  Yep.  You've never heard of so beautifully bizarre a recording project as this.  And you need to head over to his Kickstarter page, watch his video, and BACK HIS PROJECT now before time runs out (in like 68 hours from the time I write this!).




1 Comment


August 21, 2011

Thanks for the beautiful ties Ellie. Love the attention to detail and personal touch. Rgds.

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