Almost time to don your gay apparel

Imagine how much more fun an obligatory office Christmas party would be in a tartan bow tie.  I'd be willing to bet that your boss will bring out The Glenlivet XXV the minute he lays eyes on your festive self.

Got 3 of these shindigs to attend?  Grab all three plaid bow ties named after 3 great ancient Scottish universities for less than the cost of the single-malt Scotch your hosts will instinctively place in your hand.

The Edinburgh

The Aberdeen

The St Andrews

Each of these fine pieces of haberdashery are now available exclusively at The Cordial Churchman online store.

And please, wear your bow tie responsibly.

Handmade Bow Tie from Neck Tie

Andy found this rather ugly neck tie at the thrift store.  Today I turned into a rather cute bowtie.  This was actually my first time sewing with silk.  It was rather slippery, but I think I figured it out.  I'm excited to do a bit more of this type of work.  What do you think?

I'm sure Andy's glad that I've figured out how to tie these things by myself so that he doesn't have to get all dressed up for my photo-shoots.  He actually wore it to church tonight but we forgot to take a picture.

And I just had to show off these super cute guys.  We snapped this shot on the front porch after church today.  Can you tell that Andy dressed Deacon?  He looked sharp.