the end of a not-so-terrible year

Today, I had the rare treat os spending time with each of my children separately.  This morning, Deacon was in preschool and Owen and I ran around town together.  He slept in my arms while I made a quick trip to the grocery store to buy snacks for Deacon's preschool class.  Everyone who saw me said "Wow, you have your hands full, don't you?".  Being a mother of two toddlers, I hear that phrase all the time, but this time, I didn't even mind having my hands full.  I hardly ever get to hold Owen while he's sleeping anymore because he's such an active child.

Then this afternoon when Owen was napping, (still is) Deacon and I tried to take a nap together in my bed.  I usually have him nap in my bed these days because he tends to keep Owen from taking nice quality naps.  Today, Deacon didn't really sleep, he just poked me while I tried to sleep.  So eventually, I felt rested enough and we got up and I did some straightening up while he played with his preschool activities.  He can be really sweet when he knows that he's not fighting for attention.

I always get a bit emotional when a birthday approaches, Deacon turns three tomorrow.  With each new year comes a new revealing of who this little child really is.  However, with each new year, he loses more and more babyfat and that gleam in his eye when he's experiencing something for the first time.  Leaving me with chubby cheeks, long stocky legs and a whole lot of questions that he already knows the answer to.





February 25, 2009

wow, I love that dress! VERY FLATTERING and SLENDERIZING!!!


February 25, 2009

I know exactly what you mean about getting emotional when your kid’s birthday’s are approaching. It STILL happens to me after all these years. Remembering the experience my children’s births is so special and something I’ll never ever forget. But also, as you said, seeing how they are changing and maturing each year pulls at the emotional strings too. Life is good, though fleeting!

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