The Square End Neck Tie from TCC

So here's the newest thing I've been working on and I'm really in love with these square end neck ties!  I think they are so fun to make and look so good on my husband!  I made him the one below for a fathers day present and have made a few more since then.  I will try to get them listed on my website soon.  What do you think of them? 

Since everyone has an opinion on how I price my items (most people tell me I should raise them, but i resist).   I'm curious what you have to say.  If you are the kind of person who would purchase this for a gift or for yourself and you'd like to suggest a reasonable price knowing it is handmade and mostly sewn by hand, please e-mail me at and share your thoughts with me.  I'd love to hear them!





January 19, 2012

Very glad to hear it, sir!

brian powell
brian powell

January 18, 2012

I get so many complements every time i wear my straight tie you made!

Spy vs. Tie « 100 Days, 100 Ties
Spy vs. Tie « 100 Days, 100 Ties

July 06, 2010

[…] from the Perfect Timing Department comes this emailed link from The Cordial Churchman, a blog/online store that I just started browsing. They are touting their square-end neck ties, […]

Flat Bottom Ties, you make the rockin’ world go ’round… « 100 Days, 100 Ties
Flat Bottom Ties, you make the rockin’ world go ’round… « 100 Days, 100 Ties

July 09, 2010

[…] week, I received a blog entry from Ellie Laveer, who runs a cool website called The Cordial Churchman. She creates and sells […]

Brooke Saucier
Brooke Saucier

July 05, 2010

Love it! On my last resale shopping spree, I found a square-end tie from Arrow, of all places. I’ll sport it this week.

I agree with the general consensus, that the square-end of your madras makes it extra special. A conversation-starter, pretty much…


July 05, 2010

very awesome, since your bow ties are 26, I could see paying 36 for the long ties.


July 04, 2010

This tie is so gorgeous it makes me wish I wore long ties, alas I don’t.


July 04, 2010

I really like this tie. I saw something with a similar pattern at JCrew, but the square end really makes this special.

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