For some folks, this was Bow Tie Friday. For me, of course, every day has become Bow Tie Friday. 20 days of bow ties. Over $500 raised for children in Haiti. Lots of fun.
I started the day off with a blue blazer so I could show off the lapel flower Ellie made for me. That'll have to wait, but not for long. Excited to show you. But I quickly realized I wasn't feeling the blazer, and realized it was time for a pivot to the classic Levi's jean jacket. Not a bad combo with such a rugged bow tie as the Lewis classic--today's bow tie of the day.
Ellie and I spent the morning working, and eating, at Lell's Cafe. It was 2011 the last time I was in there, which is utterly shameful. So I made up for it by staying there through breakfast, through the mid-morning coffee break, through lunch, and through the mid-afternoon coffee break. Hey, it's not my fault I had a breakfast and lunch invitation to Lell's in one day. Just trying to be efficient here.
The jean jacket, they say (rightly), really doesn't work with jeans, unless you're just really, really cool and can't be stopped. I realized the jacket was the way to go because I had first opted for my new Bill's Vintage Twill M3 Khakis. An interesting rule of thumb has developed for me: Rugged down low? Jeans? Go with buttoned-down up top. Silk bow tie, blazer, lapel flower, etc. Creased khakis? Go with a vintage (looking) jean jacket and a heavy tweed bow tie. Some variation of this might indeed be the rule, until now unwritten.
Run on over to the store and grab this very Lewis classic for a slight discount. Or grab the frequently commented-upon and much-loved Lewis Club Diamond point (or any other cut) for now until the fabric is gone.
I hope your Friday included pizza and beer.
or as your great-grandfather would say, “put-a some MEAT on-a your bones!” LOL Just kidding…you look fantastic…Love you!
you are losing too much weight! I can barely recognize you!