Today I made a record breaking 9 bow ties and had a phone interview with Columbia South Carolina's The State newspaper about bow ties. Needless to say, I was quite busy today and never really got around to mopping the kitchen floor like I really wanted to. I'm getting together 3 dozen seersucker ties to send to the Gentleman's Closet in Columbia, SC. If you're in the area, please drop in and say hello to those guys and check out the ties.
Today I made 2 Indian madras bow ties out of a men's shirts. I promised my dear husband that he could have one in exchange for recording a little promo video for me- hopefully more on that tomorrow. I think I'll be able to make 3 more of each pattern so let me know if you're interested.
You may have noticed the Store tab at the top of my newly updated blog. I will keep this updated with my current offerings so check back often.
E-mail me at if you want one or have any questions.
Converted Bow Ties
These ties are converted from neckties of 100% silk. Note that sometimes the creases from the fold of the necktie will be somewhat apparent on the back side of the bow tie, but these folds are virtually entirely obscured once the bow is tied. Naturally, there is only one of each available. First come, first served.
We can also convert YOUR necktie to a bow tie for $23.
#1C -
Silk red with navy and white polka dots. Converted from Banana Republic necktie.
Silk blue with red dots. The silk has some faint watermarks from the iron (it was one of the first silk converted ties we made), but these are virtually impossible to see when tied. Due to that "irregularity," this one's yours for
Silk pink paisley in a narrower cut. This was the first necktie we converted to a bow tie. It's not perfect, but it ties up beautifully. You can own the original for
From-Scratch Handmade Bow Ties
Patch Madras Bow Tie. 100% Cotton Madras. Only 1 more available.
Green Seersucker Bow Tie. 100% Cotton. Available in any cut/shape.
Currently also available in these colors:
Navy with White Pinstripe Linen Bow Tie - Pictured with Diamond-point. Available in any cut.
100% Cotton Seersucker Striped Bow Tie. Gutsy Summer Colors. Only 3 available.
E-mail me at if you want one or have any questions.
Andy found this rather ugly neck tie at the thrift store. Today I turned into a rather cute bowtie. This was actually my first time sewing with silk. It was rather slippery, but I think I figured it out. I'm excited to do a bit more of this type of work. What do you think?
I'm sure Andy's glad that I've figured out how to tie these things by myself so that he doesn't have to get all dressed up for my photo-shoots. He actually wore it to church tonight but we forgot to take a picture.
And I just had to show off these super cute guys. We snapped this shot on the front porch after church today. Can you tell that Andy dressed Deacon? He looked sharp.
This is one of the most exciting orders that I've had: six green bow ties for a wedding in August. I just finished them up tonight and will make a few children's bowties for them as well. The bride has already promised to share the photos with me and I cannot wait!
Oh where oh where could my dining room table be?
Also, I've been experimenting with fabric pouches to put the ties in. I like this one. Thank-you very much Ikea scrap bin!
The online store will be up and running hopefully by early next week. I'm going to need YOUR help in getting this thing off the ground. More on that to come. I'm having so much fun with this and my creative juices are flowing like mad. It makes me really happy. Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions.
Until the store is up, ties ($23) and pocket squares ($18) can be ordered by e-mailing me at
I think I may have gone too far. But I couldn't see all those little pieces of scrap fabric go to waste.
I won't make too many of these, but if you want one, e-mail me at and we'll talk about it.
OK, It seems that This Place has turned into a bit of a bowtie explosion, but I promise I will try to make and blog about other things- BUT I had to share the newest color. A very nice gentleman asked if I could do a Yellow/Green reversible and I just couldn't say no. So Here's his tie.
Bowties can be purchased by clicking THIS LINK- or e-mailing me at to place your special order. I now have gentlemen in Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia, Vermont, Mississippi, South Carolina, Connecticut and North Carolina wearing my ties. A professor at an distinguished southern university said this when he recieved his tie in the mail today.
The bow tie I bought from you arrived today. It's lovely! I'll have to get use out of it here in the South before I move out to Berkeley, where I'll wear it anyways, so as to antagonize hippies. Their pony-tails will spin!
Now I just have two more things to say...
1- It seems that my sewing machine is going to have to be permanently out and ready for sewing so I'll have to set up a studio in my house. Does anyone in the Rock Hill area have a desk they would be willing to give me or sell to me (for cheap) so that I can use it to hold my sewing machine and sewing supplies?
2- I love my husband. He has been such a patient, supportive dear through all this. He tries on many of the ties so that I can make sure they look just right. He models for me. He doesn't get mad at me even though the dining room looks like seersucker vomit. And when I'm not looking, he corrects all my grammatical errors on my blog. Thank-you, honey. You're the best.
[Edit - thanks, Ellie ;-) ]
I found some adorable fabric at Ashville Cotton Company yesterday. I didn't even know what I was going to do with it, but today, I decided to use a little bit to make a ribbon belt for my 3 year old. Sorry, as all crafting happens while children are sleeping, I don't have a picture of him wearing it. But I was so excited to show it off I just had to post it tonight.
I'm also quite fond of my first ever diamond seersucker tie which someone ordered by special request. It looks really huge on me, but on a man with a dress shirt it would (obviously) look a bit more appropriate. I just didn't have Andy around to model for me.
I'm pretty sure I tied it wrong, but you get the idea. I bet Andy's going to want me to make him a diamond point tie now. They are really neat.
OK, so we went to a massive fabric store yesterday and bought a few more varieties of seersucker patterns and colors. This morning I made up a few more bowties.
And even a twofer- Blue/Pink tie:
Who knew these little things could be so much fun?
So, if you want one, you can choose your color or combination of colors. Just e-mail me at I've even had requests for diamond point and straight style bows.
I'm still chuckling that this Ohioan is selling handmade seersucker bowties.